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IAAT(IOWA Algebra Aptitude) Practice Tests - Vol 1: Pre-Algebra


IAAT test provides a four-part profile of students that identifies specific areas of strengths and weaknesses. This test is a time-based test, for which speed and accuracy are important factors.

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The IAAT (Iowa Algebra Aptitude) Test was developed to help teachers and counselors make informed decisions about the initial placement of students in the secondary mathematics curriculum.

IAAT test provides a four-part profile of students that identifies specific areas of strengths and weaknesses.

This test is a time-based test, for which speed and accuracy are important factors.

Math-Knots IAAT Books, designed to harnesses a child's IAAT skills.

Math-Knots IAAT Practice Test book Includes:

6 practice tests

Answer key is included.

The content has been successfully used by many kids over the years to ace the test.

Also available

IAAT(IOWA Algebra Aptitude) Work book - Vol 1

IAAT(IOWA Algebra Aptitude) Work book - Vol 2

a4ace offers an online comprehensive test prep course for students IAAT prep.

The most effective online test prep course for boosting your IAAT test score.

Practice test series with 9 , 12, 21 or 40 practice tests

Various packages to choose

Detailed step by step solutions

Strategies to improve speed & accuracy on the test

Students can practice as many times as they need

Time based assessments simulating the real test.

Many of our students got highest scores